Winter Wonderland Enjoy It!

Without a doubt many have divided feelings about winter, they love it or can live without it. Of course being a life long Michigander the drudgery of clearing snow becomes oh so weary. But the beauty of fresh snow against our beautiful northern scenery is spectacular!! Along with all the fun activities to play in our Winter Wonderland, so I roll with it and Enjoy It!!

winter wonderland

As I have gotten older the activities have changed now I no longer speed through the snow on a machine. Admittedly I enjoy a more tranquil and quiet time to admire my surroundings. By breathing in the fresh clean crisp air and reflect upon the beauty and peace. Granted I get a little helpful nudge in the morning to get my juices flowing. Rather than curling up under the covers I awake and take my brain food. An amazing product that provides me with energy, focus and clarity. Along with being all natural this is a godsend for my memory!! And I truly appreciate the advancements in outdoor gear to keep me warm too!!

Winter Wonderland Beautiful Sights

To be sure after a fresh snowfall is the best time to take in the beautiful sights. Nobody likes dirty snow and sludge!! In this situation our winter wonderland is best seen fresh and pure.

A good way to warm up after my little forays outdoors is with a cup of coffee, we all like our coffee a certain way. And with the announcement that plôs will be shipping January 17th 2022 I am very excited! Because this addition to my coffee will keep the winter pounds from creeping up on me!! So if winter tends to do this to you also, please check out my page on all natural weight loss products.

Hot off the presses, a brand new product release available January 17th 2022. An absolutely amazing weight loss product proven to work. I know from using their other nootropics they all absolutely work!! Please visit my page about Plôs for real weight loss results

Attention Business Owners: ERC Credits – time is of the essence! So Act Now to get your share of FREE Money for your Business; that kept employees and staff going during the shut downs, supply chain issues and more. You will be amazed on how easy the qualifications are today.

Enjoying a winter evening

Obviously everyone enjoys a fire to relax by on a winter evening. And what better way than with a glass of fine wine!! Especially the wines from our wine of the month club. Even more they are exclusive wines from Napa and Sonoma Valley, premium exquisite quality wines. Moreover they are delivered right to your door. Such convenience and affordability all available to our members!! Please check out my page on Fine Wines!!

Not to mention having these fine wines on hand for the holidays!!