Getting Google Adsense, first try!

getting google adsense

Obviously I am not an expert about getting Google Adsense!! Clearly my “advice” is just common sense about what I learned from the school of hard knocks. But one common denominator I am finding is many sites I have been asked to look over share this fault, your category pages!! Especially since we have been told to downsize our Menu to 90 pages which include the category pages. For this reason your category pages are more important than ever!!

Accordingly this is the area you need to focus on, I know by now you have run your offer/content pages through PaperRater or DupliChecker. But have you run your category pages through either? To be sure this needs to be done, I have found on some sites that very little modifying has been done.

Getting Ready for Google Adsense

Granted we have had excellent training from Rory and our instructors about modifying our pages and creating new ones. Clearly the emphasis on original content, making them our own, basically putting some personality in them is so important. So please strive for 100% originality, this most definitely is the case for your category pages too.

Because Google Adsense loves clear and concise navigation, your category pages need to be just that!! Our offer pages need to be in alphabetical order. So does the corresponding paragraphs on your category page absolutely needs to match up.

Google knows advertising!!

getting google adsense

As a result of Google being the number one search engine out there, they of course are experts in advertising!! With 75% of market share you need to think more seriously about your category pages. By thinking about your category pages as the “display window” of your storefront, you will naturally realize, Hey I need to dress up my window!!

Clearly I am not talking about plastering it with pictures!! But treat your paragraphs/headings on your category page as short interesting snippets to create curiosity. Likewise use the advice from David Ogilvy that 80% of the Ad is the title!! Every consumer wants to know how will this benefit me!!!

Treat your Category Pages as your Table of Contents

Because we have had to pare down the pages on Menu, does not mean they cannot be on your category page. By treating your category page as a compelling table of contents, you will be giving your visitor access to all your pages. If you have many product pages, like we do with Velovita be sure to take advantage of H4, so your page does not take forever to scroll through. And remember alphabetize everything, make your site very easy and orderly to navigate through!!

Another big issue is the titles need to match up, you may have changed the page title from the original given you. But did you change the title on your navigation label from Menu.

Also the category pages that have many product/offer pages, I found that using color for every other block does help the eye navigate and differentiate the products. Just food for thought to make things clear. (And cheerful)

Check your All Pages

Another big thing you need to check is your All Pages. If you have not modified a page because it was something you did not want to promote or place on your site – Put in Draft. Otherwise it needs modification even if you do not have the actual page in Menu or mention it on your category page. Because the Google bots will read everything you have that is not in draft.

Before applying for Google Adsense, please ask someone in our wonderful RRR family to look your site over. A pair of fresh eyes can offer helpful insight and save you some grief!! Been there done that!!!

Without a doubt this is not rocket science, just common sense advice that your category pages are very important!! And we all know that Rory has fantastic information about Google Adsense. That covers everything you need to know about implementing it!!! I was going to put the YouTube link here. But if you do not have that memorized by now, take your Brān food!!! LOL

Lastly before applying for Google Adsense, make sure you review Rory’s video and instructions in Step 7 of our RRR training episode here