Learn a new language the easy way

learn a new language

Obviously toddlers learned a lot of their language skills from Sesame Street and The Electric Company. By watching TV many immigrants learned this way too. Clearly an enjoyable way to learn a new language. And from the comforts of home. Even more it is fun and enjoyable as you will be watching TV with subtitles. Not a novel idea but you will have control with the remote to click on the words you want translated.

Learn everyday language unlike the “formal’ structured way. As it uses probably the most used device in your home, your television. Unlike having to take a class, or use books and tapes.

Such a great way to learn a new language!!

Clearly this is about learning with your TV. Which means you are going to be learning from context rather than just repeating words again and again. Such a great way to quickly learn a new language. Especially in retention and applying what you learn. SEE IT HERE!

learn a new language

Furthermore this works within 3-4 episodes. As you progress from show to show you will notice serious improvement in your listening comprehension and vocabulary. It is suggested that you pick an enjoyable series from the Library of 1000 or more titles to choose from. To allow you to really expand and retain previous knowledge.

After a full season of at least 8 episodes your confidence and comprehension will be vastly improving. By viewing movies and various series you will quickly acquire vocabulary. Along with phrases, grammar and slang The audio visual aspect actually “rewires” your brain. All coming from the natural context of the TV shows and movies, you will gain access to view. Of course the more you watch, the more you learn.

Learn the Easy Way!!  Whether it’s French, Spanish, or Russian. Note: German, Italian and Portuguese are coming soon.

Learning by yourself at home is not scary, it’s fun and easy

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