Homemade natural antiseptic

To be sure, if anyone in your household has a sensitive skin problem this homemade natural antiseptic ointment is a godsend. So we’re going to share with you how to make an all-natural First Aid antiseptic that you can easily make at home. This homemade antiseptic has excellent antibacterial properties to treat everyday cuts, scrapes and abrasions just as you would with any tube of over the counter ointment.

Also anyone suffering from eczema or psoriasis knows how difficult it can be to find natural products that work. So this homemade natural antiseptic ointment will definitely put your mind at ease. Because natural is always better!

homemade natural antiseptic ointment

Homemade Antiseptic Ointment


1-1/2 ounces beeswax, grated

1 Cup Coconut oil

1/4 teaspoon vitamin E oil

1/2 teaspoon tea tree oil

20 drops lavender essential oil

10 drops lemon essential oil

Ingredient Properties

Tea Tree Oil: antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiviral, antibacterial

Lavender: analgesic (pain relief), antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiviral, antibacterial

Lemon: antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial

Coconut Oil: anti-inflammatory properties

Vitamin E: Skin healing vitamin

Directions to prepare antiseptic ointment

First of all you will need to grate 1 1/2 ounces of beeswax with a cheese grater.

STEP 2:  Add 1 cup coconut oil and the grated beeswax to a pot


STEP 3:  Heat the coconut oil and beeswax over a low heat or double boiler until in liquid form. Once in liquid form remove from heat and add the tea tree oil, vitamin E, and essential oils and stir briefly.

STEP 4:  Pour mixture into sterilized jars. You can use baby food jars or mason jars. Let cool on counter. To sterilize jars either boil for 10 minutes or run through your dishwasher.


STEP 5:  Store in a cool, dark place. Use as needed on any cuts, scrapes and abrasions. Lasts for approximately 4 years shelf life.


Another great item to have around the house is a proper first aid kit. By proper I mean it should have quality supplies that an EMT would use. In an emergency situation you do not want a dollar store kit. Likewise having a quality kit is affordable!! Please visit my first aid page here for more information.