Erectile Dysfunction Solution

Without a doubt a discussion about erectile dysfunction may make some feel uncomfortable. But stop and think about it the world would not exist without the reproduction system. And everyone deserves to enjoy a happy and healthy sexual life. So I want to inform any man or couple dealing with this situation there is a solution!!

Furthermore this is not a pharmaceutical, but a medical device that uses acoustic sound wave therapy to increase blood flow. For the past twenty years the rich have been able to take advantage of this technology. By visiting clinics using $40,000 sound wave machines. And at $500 per treatment and most regimens require 6 to 12 treatments, this was not an option for the other 98%. So an inventor by the name of Jon Hoffman has replicated the technology into a hand held device. Thus making this completely affordable to use from the comfort of your own home.

Erectile Dysfunction Main Cause

Most causes of erectile dysfunction stem from decreased blood flow. Granted we are familiar with the term hardening of the arteries associated with heart disease. Because of the build up of plaque, it affects all of our blood vessels. By using sound waves this breaks up the plaque and flushes it from the body.

This truly addresses the cause of the problem, which is poor blood flow. Rather than using a “pill” for a temporary “fix”.

What is Acoustic Wave Therapy?

According to Dr. Paul Thompson, Chief Medical Officer at Launch Medical. And a leading urologist, he explains how (AWT) acoustic wave therapy works.

By using sound waves

In this case, AWT uses sound waves to specifically target the treatment area. By using the clinically proven power of high-frequency, low-intensity sound. Thus eliminating the need for prescription drugs, which do not address the underlying problem.

Breaking apart plaque

With targeted treatments, Acoustic Wave Therapy breaks up the hardened plaque. Which has been constricting blood flow to the penis. That plaque build-up is preventing much-needed blood flow.

Stimulating new, healthy blood vessels.

In addition to removing plaque in existing blood vessels, acoustic waves traveling through soft tissue stimulates angiogenesis. This is the process of the body’s natural healing process. By creating new healthy blood vessels to further improve blood flow.

Best treatment option

erectile dysfunction

With more than 40 clinical studies clearly showing the efficacy of Acoustic Wave Therapy. Every man has the option to deal effectively with mild to severe cases of E. D. from home. By fixing the root cause of the problem, instead of temporarily masking symptoms with expensive pills. And those pills are vasodilators which expand blood vessels. So depending on the other medications someone may be taking, this temporary “band aid” is not a solution.

Thus the ideal solution, Phoenix is a federally registered Acoustic Wave Therapy device that was specifically designed for safe and effective use at home. Acoustic Wave Therapy works by sending powerful sound waves into the targeted tissue; causing micro-trauma to the blood vessels beneath the skin. Thus initiating angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels.

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erectile dysfunction

Ladies you know when something is not quite right with your spouse or significant other. Please be aware that most men are very reticent in discussing this issue. By opening up this dialogue and the solution you have discovered, this will only bring about the change you both desire.