Autism, ADHD Medications is there a natural solution?

First off let me make this perfectly clear I am not a doctor or scientist. Apart from this I do enjoy researching my topic and that is ADHD medications. In addition to this let me tell you there is no shortage of information available!! So I will state right out of the gate, I am in the camp of nature usually provides a natural solution, maybe not completely to cure. But to alleviate symptoms and enhance any required treatment. We are what we eat!

And I have found some research done by the National Institute of Health. By experts in their respective fields that have written about nutritional therapies for mental disorders. Especially concerning our “over processed foods” problem. Our brain requires specific nutrients more on that later.

adhd medications

History on ADHD Medications

One of the first diagnosis of ADHD was by a British pediatrician Sir George Still. Back in 1902 Dr. Still described this “as an abnormal defect of moral control in children .” Additionally he stated that although the affected child seemed very intelligent they could not control themselves and behaved badly.

So fast forward to 1961 when Big Pharma entered the scene with “Ritalin” (methylphenidate) to be classified as a Schedule II drug in 1974. Please keep in mind that Ritalin was targeted for use in kindergarten and first grade children. Granted adjusting to school may be difficult for some children but in the sixties I think we were all guilty of trusting too much in pharmacology.

Subsequently 35 years later in 1996 “Adderall” became the go to drug for ADHD an amphetamine that is addictive. So much so there is now a “Black Market” among high school and college students. Along with young professionals looking for that extra drive and focus to remain competitive.

Illicit use of ADHD Medications

According to studies done back in 2006 the illicit use of ADHD medications was becoming a problem. Today this is a major problem, 62% of prescribed patients admit to selling some of their medications. At first it was to help friends out with a final or entrance exam. With demand for them so high they soon realized there was money to be made. Especially among college students knowing the HUGE debts they would soon have to be paying off. Some of these young entrepreneurs have even started 401 K’s.

But of course there are going to be the real professional drug dealers who will take advantage of any situation. By moving any kind of “product” whether it is the real deal or an “illegitimate” harmful concoction. There have been some nightmare stories of the horrendous ingredients being used!!

Natural Essential Nutrients Specifically for you Brain!!!

Even though I loved school and excelled at it, now in my sixties I was looking for something to help with my “can’t remember sh*t”!! Such as where are my reading glasses, what did I walk into this room for? Unquestionably the most annoying feeling not to remember the little everyday things. I could still read an entire book and remember the whole story. So what was going on????

Namely I was not giving my brain the nutrients it required. Even though I was trying very hard to eat healthy, our brain needs specific nutrients. So when this product fell in my lap I ordered it right away. WOW what a game changer, I noticed a difference right away. Now after using it for over 30 days I know I will never be without my BRAIN FUEL!!

Lastly for more information on the specific essential nutrients and how this will help anyone young or old; please visit my page here. Along with testimonial from our members on how this is changing lives!!