Setting up Skype for training!


Hello if you currently do not have an account to use Skype, let’s remedy that situation. Because setting up Skype is easy and essential for training. Even more this is a huge time saver in finding answers to your questions. Every instructor takes advantage of Skype to stay in contact with all new students to the wonderful world of the Performance Blogging System!!

Another great feature of Skype is as you advance in your training you will be invited into a “chat group” with other students. Where you can share and ask questions amongst your peers, who are at different levels of their progression. Please remember we all started out the same way, we all had to learn how to make the PBS ours!!! And we all sought help!!!

Setting up Skype for training

First things first, the easiest way to set up Skype on a laptop or desktop is from your Windows icon in the lower left corner. All computers come with Skype loaded in the apps. As Skype is a Microsoft product and if you have a Microsoft email/account that is the address I would use when setting up the account. Another caution you will NEVER need to buy credits. Microsoft tries to sell credits for their Video version and do not download or set up the Video Call version it is absolutely unnecessary. We use the Audio Call/Chat version, (sometimes referred to the desktop version). If you do not have Skype listed in your apps please go here and sign up for your account. This is absolutely free and there is no need to “buy credits” for what we do. Secondly if you do have an account you will need to add me in your contact list. Thirdly you will send me an invite so we can communicate with each other. I would have given you my Skype ID in your welcome letter.

skype windows icon

Subsequently now that you have set up Skype, here is a short video on how to use it. Even if you have Skype already you may want to revisit some of the features. Especially the screen share option, I will be accessing this feature with you for trainings.

Video on how to use

Without a doubt you will find that Skype is going to be your lifeline in getting the information you need fast!! Indeed I too loved the fact that I could get answers to my questions answered quickly. Especially the first couple of weeks everything was so new and yes a little overwhelming. But remember I am only a message away from getting you answers to your questions. Also no question is considered “dumb” everyone here started new to this!!

Moreover this “system” was created by Rory just a few short years ago. Indeed no one had ever seen the likes of it before!!

Above all the PBS community welcomes you with open arms. We pride ourselves on being a “family” who fully supports and helps each other!!

In the case that you have stumbled upon this page and are not yet a member of our PBS community; please visit my page on working from home!!