Today’s Promises, please help!!

today's promises

Providing help for the children of Haiti through “Today’s Promises” is an organization worth supporting. Because Haiti suffers from the worst poverty levels globally, thousands of children are homeless. And without parents or support of any kind, they literally are left to fend for themselves!

Without a doubt this situation was only exacerbated by the 2010 earthquake a devastating 7.0 Mw disaster. As thousands of children lost parents and all hope of a future.

Today’s Promises Founder

While on a business trip to Haiti, Rick Langley was invited to visit a orphanage in the mountains. Upon arriving he was astounded how many children were living in this building. Because it only had 2 rooms and a partial roof. These orphans were being tended to by missionaries who had next to nothing in the way of resources.

today's promises

After seeing that these children had no access to basic human needs. Such as fresh running water, nutritious food or a simple blanket to lay on. And as a result of a small child offering him 1/2 of his meager meal (a biscuit); Rick knew in his heart this experience was presented to him TO DO SOMETHING!! Clearly this suffering had to be alleviated, and he took up the challenge. Of course Rick knew he had to find others who were of like mind to join by now “his cause”!! So with the help of other caring individuals, Rick founded “Today’s Promises”. An organization whose sole purpose is to create a promising future for these children.

Supporting This Cause is Simple!!

As I had mentioned above Rick was in Haiti on business. Because Haiti is one of the few places on earth the Caribbean Blue Scorpion habitats. And Rick is also the founder of MRVL Health that manufactures products with Blue Scorpion venom. These products are life changing and you can get more information by visiting any of the four pages I have written all about them.

By purchasing the MRVL Health or the skincare line (which are fantastic), 5% of all profits go to “Today’s Promises”.

Or you can show the love by purchasing a “Today’s Promises” bracelet!!

today's promises

Above all please visit Today’s Promises Website, so important and it provides so much more information!! Please visit!!

today's promises

Our RRR/PBS family is behind this cause 100%. And Ellen Griffith a fellow instructor here has created a Tipping Bucket to support this great charity!! So please let’s Tip the Bucket over with Love!!!!