To be sure there are so many CBD Oil products on the market. So how do you know what to buy? Certainly my intention is to provide you with the facts you need to know about CBD and CBDa Oil. Because many of the CBD products available DO NOT HAVE THE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT and that is CBDa.

CBD and CBDa Oil Products for Health

First of all since Federal Legislation passed allowing the sale and use of CBD and CBDa Oil Products in the United States this is still unchartered territory. Because of the many unscrupulous players entering the game trying to make a fast buck! You absolutely need to be informed about this, and know what to ask the retailer. Also know to demand the documentation of their product and exactly what it contains!!! Please get this valuable information here.


To be sure there are hundreds if not thousands of CBD Oil derived from Hemp products on the market. Along with hundreds of claims stating their product is the best. So how do we sort through all this information and misinformation? Find out what you need to know here.

cbd and cbda oil

Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

First of all, did you know that everyone has an endocannabinoid system in their body? This system is to regulate cannabinoids, which come from two sources.  Our body produces naturally occuring endocannabinoids, and the cannabis plant produces phytocannabinoids. Learn about this amazing system here.

I was surprised when researching CBD Oil, that medical researchers and doctors did not even know we had an Endocannabinoid System until the 1990’s. So this is the least studied system in our bodies. And continued research is a must, because this system affects almost every other system in our body!! So please read this article because it explains why are bodies may be depleted in cannabinoids as we age AND WHY we may need supplementation.