Dog Days of Summer

dog days of summer

Without a doubt we have all heard that expression!! And quite a few songs have been written pertaining to and titled as such. But I was curious as to when and why this phrase became associated with one of my favorite seasons. So of course I googled it and found out that the phrase “dog days of summer” has been used since ancient Roman times. Also the Greeks had a similar phraseology associated with dog days of summer!!

Obviously summer gets very hot and humid, mans best friend is known to seek shade and lay about. HAH like us humans don’t either!! (hammock under a tree) But we all know on the hottest of days our dogs are not as active, unless of course you have a pool!! But I digress the Romans coined the phrase “diēs caniculārēs” or “dog days”. Because the sun occupies the same region as Sirius in the summer. And Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major, meaning big dog. Sirius is the brightest star and the Greeks refer to it as “scorcher”. So there you go, this phrase has been used for millennia!!

Dog Days of Summer enjoy them

Clearly summer provides us longer days to enjoy good old summertime!! So take advantage of getting a little sun; my doctor told me I needed to get at least 15 minutes of unprotected sun to raise my vitamin D levels. We all know how important vitamin D is to our bones, teeth and muscles!! After your 15 minutes of exposure then apply your sunscreen. Moreover as we age our body needs supplementation of essential nutrients. For this reason I researched a fantastic company to provide you with all natural plant based products to do just that!!! This is science at it’s finest, breakthrough science!! Please visit my Health & Fitness category to get important information about these amazing products!!!

To be sure everyone needs a new swimsuit in the summer!!! So please check out my various clothing sites that have the best prices ever!! Along with free delivery and fantastic selections!! Oh and did I forget to mention sandals!!! LOL So please visit my Clothing and Shoes category.

Days into Dusk

Indeed as the sun is setting and the evening cooling what a wonderful way to relax on the porch with a glass of fine wine!! Especially with the Napa and Sonoma Valley wines I get delivered direct to my door every month!!

So convenient and affordable, our monthly wine of the month club features the best wines exclusively from Napa and Sonoma Valley wineries!! Even more these choice and coveted wines are selected for us by experts!!! Absolutely the best wines are chosen for us and every month at least one of the bottles are valued over $100!! (often we get 2 bottles out of the 4 valued that high) So for only $99.95 you get 4 bottles delivered to you each and every month!! You really need to check out my fine wine page here!!!

dog days of summer

Above all enjoy your dog days of summer, only three short months to take advantage of longer days!! By being outside with family and friends!! Going to the lake or pool party, barbeques, picnics etc. just being out in the fresh air!!

Fall or Autumn? Either are UnbeLEAFable!!

fall or autumn

Definitely growing up in Michigan the fall colors are a “thing”!! So whether you prefer to call it Fall or Autumn, either are unbeLEAFable!! Such a splendor of color and bounty as the apple and pumpkin harvest is underway. No doubt all the northern states have their share of beautiful color in the fall. But it does come down to our fond childhood memories of what fall means to you. And I have plenty that bring back many happy memories!!

Because Michigan is known for their Fall color tours, they map out the best road trips to enjoy this spectacular display. Along with the roadside farmer stands to get our apples and pumpkins. (Can you tell I love apple and pumpkin pie!!) As a child our family went on many of these excursions every weekend and had a blast. And learned a lot, the history of the little towns we visited and yes geography.

Fall or Autumn why both?

Obviously both terms are interchangeable and acceptable. The term Fall is thought to come from and old english word “fiaell” which means to fall from a height. And the term Autumn came from the Latin word “autumnus,” a latin root referring to the passing of the year. Also because of the “Autumnal Equinox” which occurs around September 21st, an equinox means the length of day and night are equal.

Fall or Autumn prepares us for Winter

fall or autumn

To be sure the cooling in temperature and shorter days is preparing us for winter. The animals are gathering food to store to sustain them in the coming months. Likewise us humans are preparing our homes to weather the cold months ahead. And starting to plan out our fall and winter holidays Thanksgiving and Christmas. Because if it is your turn to host the holiday party I have some great time saving tips.

No doubt the Turkey is the star of Thanksgiving dinner and I have a great time saving and delicious way to roast your turkey. I have used this way to roast my turkey in a paper bag for over 45 years. This will save you from basting and checking the bird so you can enjoy your company!! So please save yourself some time and check out my recipe for turkey roasted in a paper bag here.

Fall Holidays and Special Occasions

Granted Christmas falls into the winter season, but us smart shoppers know it officially begins on Black Friday!!! So if you are wanting to make this Christmas a little more stress free please visit my various categories to do some online shopping!! Along with saving some money and offering some unique gifts!! Especially check out my Fine Wines from Napa and Sonoma Valley that are delivered to your door, every month. No doubt a great gift for friends and family that enjoy a fine wine. Or treat yourself, after all you need to know if these are deserving as gifts!!! LOL Once you try these exclusive fine wines from Napa and Sonoma wineries you will FALL in love with them!!! Please check out how affordable and convenient this is, Best Napa and Sonoma Wine Club read all about it here.

Customers get Exclusive Wines From Napa Valley and Sonoma County Direct to your door!!!

Without a doubt you will run to the door too, when UPS sends you the notice your Wine is being delivered today!!!!!

Spring is in the Air! New Beginnings.

To be sure springtime is always a welcome respite from winter. We look forward to the buds of spring, the greenery and flowers. I always remember going to the nursery to buy seeds to start and to plan out my garden. Certainly everyone has heard the expression “spring is in the air”!! I think they even wrote a song about it. Move over New Years resolutions this is definitely the time for New Beginnings!!!!

spring is in the air

So what does spring mean to you? Are you looking to lose a few pounds before summer. Because old man winter is never too kind to us in that department! If so you may want to look at our new plôs thermo! This is an all natural nootropic that you can add to your coffee, that will curb your appetite all day. More importantly it absolutely works, I went from a size 14 to a 10 in 3 months, just by adding a plôs snap into my morning routine. Love it!! This amazing coffee addition eliminates cravings!! Well I could go on and on about this, so please just read my page about it! LOL!! Likewise we have added an amazing Nootropic for optimizing brain function in all aspects. Along with a night time product that lulls you into a deep restorative sleep. And you lose weight while sleeping!! And it works, check it out here!

Spring is in the Air, New Beginnings for us and others.

Clearly the fresh air of spring rejuvenates our spirit!! So spread some joy by joining Savings Global! An amazing membership that will save you on just about anything. But the best part you can earn a fantastic income to just by sharing! Sounds great, right? Get the scoop here!

Moreover they offer insurance savings for Auto/Home along with Health/Dental and Tele-Doc. Additionally you can save big time on your Groceries with digital coupons up to $2000 per year.

Which leads me to the fantastic savings on travel!

Spring is in the Air, planning a trip?

Of course the warmer weather get’s us spending more time outdoors. After all summer will soon be here. So is a vacation on the horizon? If so you really need to check out my travel page for the best discounts. Everyone I have referred to this program thanks me!! Because true savings make everyone happy!! So please read about the travel saving program here!!

While planning a vacation and choosing your destination is fun. Often making the arrangements for when you want to go may be in conflict with when your Boss will let you go. So I have a solution for that, ever dreamed of being you own boss. Or better yet work from home, all you need is the internet, laptop and a SYSTEM!!! The Performance Blogging System, created by internet guru Rory Ricord that absolutely works when it is followed step by step. Find out all about it here.

If you are here reading this post, you are in my PBS. So feel free to check out what this PBS is. You receive your own website/domain and full training and the best support you could ever dream of. Our online community is a “family” we care about each other, support each other to be SUCCESSFUL!! You follow the steps and you will be successful too!!!

Winter Wonderland Enjoy It!

Without a doubt many have divided feelings about winter, they love it or can live without it. Of course being a life long Michigander the drudgery of clearing snow becomes oh so weary. But the beauty of fresh snow against our beautiful northern scenery is spectacular!! Along with all the fun activities to play in our Winter Wonderland, so I roll with it and Enjoy It!!

winter wonderland

As I have gotten older the activities have changed now I no longer speed through the snow on a machine. Admittedly I enjoy a more tranquil and quiet time to admire my surroundings. By breathing in the fresh clean crisp air and reflect upon the beauty and peace. Granted I get a little helpful nudge in the morning to get my juices flowing. Rather than curling up under the covers I awake and take my brain food. An amazing product that provides me with energy, focus and clarity. Along with being all natural this is a godsend for my memory!! And I truly appreciate the advancements in outdoor gear to keep me warm too!!

Winter Wonderland Beautiful Sights

To be sure after a fresh snowfall is the best time to take in the beautiful sights. Nobody likes dirty snow and sludge!! In this situation our winter wonderland is best seen fresh and pure.

A good way to warm up after my little forays outdoors is with a cup of coffee, we all like our coffee a certain way. And with the announcement that plôs will be shipping January 17th 2022 I am very excited! Because this addition to my coffee will keep the winter pounds from creeping up on me!! So if winter tends to do this to you also, please check out my page on all natural weight loss products.

Hot off the presses, a brand new product release available January 17th 2022. An absolutely amazing weight loss product proven to work. I know from using their other nootropics they all absolutely work!! Please visit my page about Plôs for real weight loss results

Attention Business Owners: ERC Credits – time is of the essence! So Act Now to get your share of FREE Money for your Business; that kept employees and staff going during the shut downs, supply chain issues and more. You will be amazed on how easy the qualifications are today.

Enjoying a winter evening

Obviously everyone enjoys a fire to relax by on a winter evening. And what better way than with a glass of fine wine!! Especially the wines from our wine of the month club. Even more they are exclusive wines from Napa and Sonoma Valley, premium exquisite quality wines. Moreover they are delivered right to your door. Such convenience and affordability all available to our members!! Please check out my page on Fine Wines!!

Not to mention having these fine wines on hand for the holidays!!

Great shopping and offers- Welcome!

Thank you for visiting,  you have happened upon a “niche” marketplace for great shopping and fantastic offers.  Along with some pretty incredible opportunities. We strive to find unique products and update our site with this information. Fantastic new things are coming out online all the time. Our mission is to lead the online community with the best source of fantastic finds available worldwide. Stay right here, in this very post is a GIFT – that could really change your financial future.

Why?  Because that is what we love to do. We search, add and share them all here. This site is your “inside” source for all the new fantastic things that can really make a difference in your life. Besides that there are many things on this site that are only available HERE! Please be sure to browse through our various categories of information. Our site is growing all the time and it is all here for you, our valued viewers and friends. Please check back often, Great Shopping opportunities arise daily.

Great Shopping New Finds & Innovations:

No doubt it is amazing the information we now have available to us! Because this information can so enrich our lives by making healthier choices or better decisions in managing our money. Along with having access to all the fantastic finds we share!

Likewise we try to cover several different areas of interest, and will be adding some very unique ones in the days to come. Fantastic finds happen constantly so keep posted. As some of them have time limits to their availability. So be sure to register so you’ll get the Email notifications when this is happening. Please visit my cooking food & wine page to register!

By registering you will keep updated and not miss out on the ever changing items we discover. Believe me our team (it takes a village) that does the research on all the “new” items, only a select few make the cut! If we would not use them we would not endorse them! THAT SIMPLE! Also we do read every Email to insure that we will continue to meet your expectations. So join our fantastic online community here!!

Fantastic & Favorite Finds:

Recently we were presented with a fantastic one of a kind product. This is science at its finest an all natural nootropic to fuel your brain. Clearly we all want our brain to perform at optimum levels. And this provides the 16 essential nutrients your brain requires!! Please visit my brain page here!!

To be sure one of our favorite finds is: FREE BITCOINYou can check it out in the Computers & Internet Section.  Undoubtedly anyone with a computer and a pulse should get this app!! Because in less than 5 minutes you can be registered and enable your computer to run a fantastic and TOTALLY SECURE application to mine (earn) Bitcoin!

great shopping

Also it gives you several dollars to get started!!! By letting the application run, you are mining Bitcoin! Besides that it will not interfere while you are using your computer. Because it has smart settings for when you are using it and a higher setting for when you are not. Why would you not want a free program to make you money! Also if you would like more information about blockchain technology please read my article about it. Of course I am no expert, but this explains why you do not have to be!!

Great Shopping A to Z we got you covered!!

Great Shopping and Offers are added and changed out often. There is always something beneficial for everyone. These are products and services we use and try ourselves.  When they work, and the value is there, we just add them to our lists of other great shopping and services.  All of these are located in their proper category in the Menu to the left.

So we hope you have just as much fun seeing what is in store for you here, as we did finding all those fantastic finds.  

Again thanks for visiting. Please return back again. We are here to make your life better. Please feel free to email us at any time. Once you Register with us, you’ll be getting our email details and we’ll keep you up to date with new fantastic finds found worldwide and available all the time.

It should be noted that the registration forms are on all my other pages, because I want you to see all the great goodies available to you!!!

Welcome to our Online Community.

Obviously, not matter how fantastic a new product or service is, you have to know about it to take advantage of it! welcome to online community

Welcome to our Online Community of Great Shopping Deals, Offers and fantastic finds that are impressive! Our community is pleased to offer you an incredible service of keeping you in the know with the fantastic things available online.

Our Community Focuses on Great Products & Services!

To be sure we are always searching for real values in services and goods! We use them and when they pass muster, we share them. (And we are picky!)

CHECK OUT MY PAGE ON COFFEEWINE HERE! I know sounds kinda of weird, but you will find out what it is. LOL

One of my fantastic finds is: Wine Magic.  You can see that in the reference or Arts & Entertainment Section.  This is a wonderful program that really is a quality addition to anyone’s life. With the added benefit of HUGE SAVINGS! When is it not fun to enjoy and entertain with wine!!

We have you covered from A to Z!

Our community is adding things all the time. We order products and services to check them out on ourselves. So when they work and the savings are there, we share them.  All located in their proper category in the menu on the left.

So we hope you had just as much fun seeing what is in store for you here, as we did finding them in the first place! You will want to bookmark our page, and keep checking as we add things. We have an amazing e-newsletter that we send out updates and key information on Fantastic deals. No need to worry about us selling or sharing your info, ever. Because we do not share info with anyone, ever. We appreciate you being a part of what we are doing here. So we are looking forward to your revisit soon. 

It is like having your own concierge!

You will discover more things month after month. You’ll find out that there were all sorts of cool things that you never knew about! Sometimes we add an entirely new category. Always seeking out the new must haves! 

Undoubtedly this latest fantastic find is awesome See it here. Because this has been changing lives. And it isn’t something you would ever get in a store. Only at our Online Community here!

Above all our online community here is “family” we all work together to find you great values! As stated above it does “take a village” to accomplish our goal of finding you incredible savings and opportunities! Thank you!